Hampton Park Primary School

It is situated in The City of Casey which is located just 10km south-east from Dandenong, Hampton Park Primary School offers a Prep Year 6 program to its more than 350 students. Our student body is composed of families from more than 60 different backgrounds which creates a richness and diversity to our school community, something we cherish greatly.
Our motto: Persistence Creativity, Excellence, reflects our goal of teaching students to never quit and be flexible when it comes to problem-solving and to seek excellence in all they accomplish. Teachers are focused on developing the capabilities that will provide students with the capacity to manage their own lives and interactions with others, comprehend the world around them, and become effective citizens in society.
In Hampton Park Primary School, we put a lot of emphasis on offering a diverse, rich and challenging learning experience that our children enjoy. To ensure that every student attain their full potential Teachers are aware of their students and are aware of their needs for learning to build the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy and set high standards for all students. To support an increased emphasis on literacy, our school has created extensive literacy programs specifically designed for certain areas of our school. In the Prep level, students are part of small-group Oral Language sessions 4 times every week. The program is run by a certified Speech Pathologist. They also develop beginning letter sounds and reading skills through The Little Learners Love Literacy Program. From Grade 1 to 4, every child takes part in small-group literacy lessons each day. The program focuses on establishing basic decoding skills , to building advanced comprehension skills. The students in grades 5/6 continue to work on their comprehension skills by taking part with Reading Circles where groups of students work together to analyze texts that are becoming more complex.
Students from all grades take part in STEM activities every week. The program allows students to build their knowledge by using interactive activities related with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Students employ the design process to tackle problems that are related to their own expertise, the school, and the community at large.
We believe that, given the proper opportunity and guidance that every child has the potential to learn. Teachers work tirelessly in order to make sure that the academic for every child in each classroom will rise at a pace that is equal or higher than the growth expected of students throughout the school year.
Hampton Park Primary School and ABC Car Collection are located in the same area, if you are looking to sell your car, look at the below maps and get directions.
ABC Car Collections is the one-stop to get top dollars for your vehicle. Sell your car to us for top dollars!
ABC Car Collection
6/18-20 Webster St
Dandenong VIC 3175
0423 353 333