Hallam Primary School

Hallam Primary School Philosophy
Your children…Our future!
Hallam Primary School’s teaching and learning programs are designed to promote and support the values and practices that are the foundation of Australian democracy, which includes an emphasis on elected government and respect for the law equality of all before the law as well as freedom of religion, freedom of expression and expression, and the principles of openness and respect. The school’s fundamental values are learning to succeed and persistence, as well as positive relationships, mutual respect, trust , and awareness of the environment as a school-based community, we strive to implement these values in our daily operations, interactions with each other as well as when developing our policies and programs.
Hallam Primary School is the culture of child safety School policies and procedures show zero tolerance for child abuse, both in schools and beyond school hours. The principal and assistant principal oversee the creation of a child safety through the implementation of strategies to shield children from harm and effectively respond to any accusations or instances that involve child abuse.
Our Goal is to offer, in conjunction and with the parents, an safe and stimulating learning environment that fosters the development of global learners equipped with the required capabilities, skills, and values to be able to meet the needs of a changing world.
Our Goal is to guarantee a top-quality and well-integrated foundation through the Year 6 Learning and Development programme to develop the capabilities of each Hallam PS student.
The primary responsibility include tomplement the policy of DET on the education of all elementary school-aged students, and also manage and improve the provision of primary education within Hallam PS.
Results:The key responsibilities determine the outcomes that Hallam PS strives to achieve in its From the beginning to Year 6 Learning and Development program. We hope that our students receive the most effective opportunities to develop to be successful and build perseverance as well as respect and trust. We want students to have real opportunities to learn about eco-friendly practices, sustain healthy and develop strong relationships with their classmates, teachers, as well as other members of the community. We expect every student to develop the fundamental abilities for learning and living as well as to participate in and benefiting from education and to be able to meet the expected standards for literacy and numeracy. Hallam PS expects that overall levels of literacy and numeracy will show an improvement.
The well-being of students is a major and common goal across the school. Staff members foster positive teacher-student relations as well as an inclusive academic environment. Rehabilitative Practices as well as Assertive Discipline are the foundation of strategies for managing students, and attendance of students is controlled. The practice of corporal punishment in Hallam PS is prohibited.
Personnel from the teaching and non-teaching professions offer, and assist with, various educational and skills-based programmes that are centered on English reading and math skills. The online tools for curriculum planning MAPPEN assist teachers in preparing the units of inquiry. Learning environments are ICT filled with computers with a computer-to-student ratio that is 1:1. This helps with the online literacy and numeracy education and digital learning, as well as robotics and coding.
The development of numeracy and literacy skills is facilitated by effective assessment methods that are formative and summative such as data collection and analysis as well as structured instruction in clinical settings with purposeful activities and questions and the use of online learning programs , and the giving of genuine feedback. Specialized programs in Physical Education, STEM Arts Kitchen-Garden, Design Space and LOTE Auslan provide support for students from the Foundation stage to Year 6 students. Activities like swimming, camping lunchtime programs, and outings aid in learning outside of the classroom. Psychology, speech pathology occupational therapy and physiotherapy services offer additional support to students in need of additional assistance in their education.
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0423 353 333